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@article {coskeykossak2010:thecomplexity,

   AUTHOR = {Coskey, Samuel and Kossak, Roman},
    TITLE = {The complexity of classification problems for models of
  JOURNAL = {Bull. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Bulletin of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {16},
     YEAR = {2010},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {345--358},
     ISSN = {1079-8986},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03E15 03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {2731248 (2011k:03071)},

MRREVIEWER = {Thomas McLaughlin},

      URL = {},


@article {duby2003:automorphisms,

   AUTHOR = {Duby, Gr{\'e}gory},
    TITLE = {Automorphisms with only infinite orbits on non-algebraic
  JOURNAL = {Arch. Math. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Archive for Mathematical Logic},
   VOLUME = {42},
     YEAR = {2003},
   NUMBER = {5},
    PAGES = {435--447},
     ISSN = {0933-5846},
  MRCLASS = {03C50 (03C57)},
 MRNUMBER = {1990734 (2004e:03068)},

MRREVIEWER = {H. Dugald Macpherson},

      DOI = {10.1007/s00153-002-0146-y},
      URL = {},


@article {engstrom2008:anote,

   AUTHOR = {Engstr{\"o}m, Fredrik},
    TITLE = {A note on standard systems and ultrafilters},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {73},
     YEAR = {2008},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {824--830},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C20 03C57)},
 MRNUMBER = {2444270 (2009i:03030)},
      DOI = {10.2178/jsl/1230396749},
      URL = {},


@article {friedman1975:onehundred,

   AUTHOR = {Friedman, Harvey},
    TITLE = {One hundred and two problems in mathematical logic},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {40},
     YEAR = {1975},
    PAGES = {113--129},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
  MRCLASS = {02-02},
 MRNUMBER = {0369018 (51 \#5254)},

MRREVIEWER = {Andreas Blass}, }

@book {gao2009:invariant,

   AUTHOR = {Gao, Su},
    TITLE = {Invariant descriptive set theory},
   SERIES = {Pure and Applied Mathematics (Boca Raton)},
   VOLUME = {293},
  ADDRESS = {Boca Raton, FL},
     YEAR = {2009},
    PAGES = {xiv+383},
     ISBN = {978-1-58488-793-5},
  MRCLASS = {03-02 (03E15 22E05 28A05 28D05 37A20 54A35)},
 MRNUMBER = {2455198 (2011b:03001)},

MRREVIEWER = {{\'E}tienne Matheron}, }

@article {gaifman1976:models,

   AUTHOR = {Gaifman, Haim},
    TITLE = {Models and types of Peano's arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Ann. Math. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
   VOLUME = {9},
     YEAR = {1976},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {223--306},
     ISSN = {0168-0072},
  MRCLASS = {02H05},
 MRNUMBER = {0406791 (53 \#10577)},

MRREVIEWER = {S. R. Kogalovskii}, }

@article {gitman2008:scott,

   AUTHOR = {Gitman, Victoria},
    TITLE = {Scott's problem for proper Scott sets},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {73},
     YEAR = {2008},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {845--860},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03E65)},
 MRNUMBER = {2444272 (2009f:03047)},

MRREVIEWER = {Roman Kossak},

      DOI = {10.2178/jsl/1230396751},
      URL = {},


@book {hodges1985:building,

   AUTHOR = {Hodges, Wilfrid},
    TITLE = {Building models by games},
   SERIES = {London Mathematical Society Student Texts},
   VOLUME = {2},
PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
  ADDRESS = {Cambridge},
     YEAR = {1985},
    PAGES = {vi+311},
     ISBN = {0-521-26897-4; 0-521-31716-9},
  MRCLASS = {03C30 (03-01 03Cxx)},
 MRNUMBER = {812274 (87h:03045)},

MRREVIEWER = {John T. Baldwin}, }

@article {MR3017281,

   AUTHOR = {Je{\v{r}}{\'a}bek, Emil and Ko{\l}odziejczyk, Leszek
    TITLE = {Real closures of models of weak arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Arch. Math. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Archive for Mathematical Logic},
   VOLUME = {52},
     YEAR = {2013},
   NUMBER = {1-2},
    PAGES = {143--157},
     ISSN = {0933-5846},
  MRCLASS = {03F30 (03C62)},
 MRNUMBER = {3017281},
      DOI = {10.1007/s00153-012-0311-x},
      URL = {},


@incollection {kanovei1998:onstar,

   AUTHOR = {Kanovei, Vladimir},
    TITLE = {On "star schemata of Kossak and Paris},
BOOKTITLE = {Logic Colloquium '96 (San Sebasti{\'a}n)},
   SERIES = {Lecture Notes Logic},
   VOLUME = {12},
    PAGES = {101--114},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  ADDRESS = {Berlin},
     YEAR = {1998},
  MRCLASS = {03F35 (03C62)},
 MRNUMBER = {1674945 (2000f:03179)},

MRREVIEWER = {Roman Kossak}, }

@article {kaufmann1977:arather,

   AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Matt},
    TITLE = {A rather classless model},
  JOURNAL = {Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.},
 FJOURNAL = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
   VOLUME = {62},
     YEAR = {1977},
   NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {330--333},
     ISSN = {0002-9939},
  MRCLASS = {02H20},
 MRNUMBER = {0476498 (57 \#16058)},

MRREVIEWER = {James H. Schmerl}, }

@article {kaufmannschmerl1984:saturation,

   AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Matt and Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Saturation and simple extensions of models of Peano
  JOURNAL = {Ann. Pure Appl. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
   VOLUME = {27},
     YEAR = {1984},
   NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {109--136},
     ISSN = {0168-0072},
    CODEN = {APALD7},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C57)},
 MRNUMBER = {763736 (85j:03051)},

MRREVIEWER = {David E. Marker},

      DOI = {10.1016/0168-0072(84)90008-3},
      URL = {},


@article {kaufmannschmerl1987:remarks,

   AUTHOR = {Kaufmann, Matt and Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Remarks on weak notions of saturation in models of Peano
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {52},
     YEAR = {1987},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {129--148},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C62},
 MRNUMBER = {877860 (88g:03053)},

MRREVIEWER = {A. J. Wilkie},

      DOI = {10.2307/2273867},
      URL = {},


@incollection {kaye1994:agalois,

   AUTHOR = {Kaye, Richard},
    TITLE = {A Galois correspondence for countable recursively saturated
             models of Peano arithmetic},
BOOKTITLE = {Automorphisms of first-order structures},
   SERIES = {Oxford Sci. Publ.},
    PAGES = {293--312},
PUBLISHER = {Oxford Univ. Press},
  ADDRESS = {New York},
     YEAR = {1994},
  MRCLASS = {03C57 (03C62 20B27)},
 MRNUMBER = {1325480},


@article {kkk1991:automorphisms,

   AUTHOR = {Kaye, Richard and Kossak, Roman and Kotlarski, Henryk},
    TITLE = {Automorphisms of recursively saturated models of arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Ann. Pure Appl. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
   VOLUME = {55},
     YEAR = {1991},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {67--99},
     ISSN = {0168-0072},
    CODEN = {APALD7},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (20B27)},
 MRNUMBER = {1134917 (93c:03047)},

MRREVIEWER = {Ali Enayat},

      DOI = {10.1016/0168-0072(91)90098-7},
      URL = {},


@article {kayetinlokwong2010:truth,

   AUTHOR = {Kaye, Richard and Wong, Tin Lok},
    TITLE = {Truth in generic cuts},
  JOURNAL = {Ann. Pure Appl. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
   VOLUME = {161},
     YEAR = {2010},
   NUMBER = {8},
    PAGES = {987--1005},
     ISSN = {0168-0072},
    CODEN = {APALD7},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {2629502 (2011f:03048)},

MRREVIEWER = {Constantine Dimitracopoulos},

      DOI = {10.1016/j.apal.2009.11.001},
      URL = {},


@article {knight1976:hanf,

   AUTHOR = {Knight, Julia F.},
    TITLE = {Hanf numbers for omitting types over particular theories},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {41},
     YEAR = {1976},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {583--588},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
  MRCLASS = {02H05},
 MRNUMBER = {0485323 (58 \#5170)},


@article {knightnadel1982:models,

   AUTHOR = {Knight, Julia and Nadel, Mark},
    TITLE = {Models of arithmetic and closed ideals},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {47},
     YEAR = {1982},
   NUMBER = {4},
    PAGES = {833--840 (1983)},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C50 03D30)},
 MRNUMBER = {683158 (85d:03072)},

MRREVIEWER = {S. S. Goncharov},

      DOI = {10.2307/2273102},
      URL = {},


@article {korner1998:automorphisms,

   AUTHOR = {K{\"o}rner, Friederike},
    TITLE = {Automorphisms moving all non-algebraic points and an
             application to NF},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {63},
     YEAR = {1998},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {815--830},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C50 (03C57 03E70)},
 MRNUMBER = {1649063 (2000c:03030)},

MRREVIEWER = {M. Randall Holmes},

      DOI = {10.2307/2586714},
      URL = {},


@article {kossak1985:anoteon,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman},
    TITLE = {A note on satisfaction classes},
  JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
   VOLUME = {26},
     YEAR = {1985},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {1--8},
     ISSN = {0029-4527},
  MRCLASS = {03H15 (03C50 03C62)},
 MRNUMBER = {766663 (86c:03055)},

MRREVIEWER = {Bernd Dahn},

      DOI = {10.1305/ndjfl/1093870757},
      URL = {},


@article {kossak1989:models,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman},
    TITLE = {Models with the ω-property},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {54},
     YEAR = {1989},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {177--189},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {987330 (90a:03053)},

MRREVIEWER = {A. J. Wilkie},

      DOI = {10.2307/2275023},
      URL = {},



 title={Exercises in ‘back-and-forth’},
 author={Kossak, R.},
 booktitle={Proceedings of the Nineth Easter Conference on Model Theory, Gosen},


@article {kossak1995:four,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman},
    TITLE = {Four problems concerning recursively saturated models of
     NOTE = {Special Issue: Models of arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
   VOLUME = {36},
     YEAR = {1995},
   NUMBER = {4},
    PAGES = {519--530},
     ISSN = {0029-4527},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C57)},
 MRNUMBER = {1368464 (98a:03056)},

MRREVIEWER = {Fuxing Shen},

      DOI = {10.1305/ndjfl/1040136913},
      URL = {},


@article {kossak2004:anote,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman},
    TITLE = {A note on a theorem of Kanovei},
  JOURNAL = {Arch. Math. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Archive for Mathematical Logic},
   VOLUME = {43},
     YEAR = {2004},
   NUMBER = {4},
    PAGES = {565--569},
     ISSN = {0933-5846},
  MRCLASS = {03C62},
 MRNUMBER = {2060400 (2005a:03073)},
      DOI = {10.1007/s00153-004-0218-2},
      URL = {},


@article {koskot1992:game,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman and Kotlarski, Henryk},
    TITLE = {Game approximations of satisfaction classes and the problem of
             rather classless models},
  JOURNAL = {Z. Math. Logik Grundlag. Math.},
 FJOURNAL = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der
   VOLUME = {38},
     YEAR = {1992},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {21--26},
     ISSN = {0044-3050},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C57)},
 MRNUMBER = {1253748 (95c:03089)},

MRREVIEWER = {David E. Marker},

      DOI = {10.1002/malq.19920380103},
      URL = {},


@article {koskot2008:moreon,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman and Kotlarski, Henryk},
    TITLE = {More on extending automorphisms of models of Peano
  JOURNAL = {Fund. Math.},
 FJOURNAL = {Fundamenta Mathematicae},
   VOLUME = {200},
     YEAR = {2008},
   NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {133--143},
     ISSN = {0016-2736},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C50)},
 MRNUMBER = {2426391 (2009d:03084)},

MRREVIEWER = {Constantine Dimitracopoulos},

      DOI = {10.4064/fm200-2-2},
      URL = {},


@article {koskotsch1993,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman and Kotlarski, Henryk and Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {On maximal subgroups of the automorphism group of a countable
             recursively saturated model of PA},
  JOURNAL = {Ann. Pure Appl. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
   VOLUME = {65},
     YEAR = {1993},
   NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {125--148},
     ISSN = {0168-0072},
    CODEN = {APALD7},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C57 20B27)},
 MRNUMBER = {1257467 (94m:03061)},

MRREVIEWER = {Fuxing Shen},

      DOI = {10.1016/0168-0072(93)90035-C},
      URL = {},


@article {kossakparis1992:subsets,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman and Paris, Jeffrey B.},
    TITLE = {Subsets of models of arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Arch. Math. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Archive for Mathematical Logic},
   VOLUME = {32},
     YEAR = {1992},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {65--73},
     ISSN = {0933-5846},
  MRCLASS = {03H15 (03C62)},
 MRNUMBER = {1186468 (94e:03066)},

MRREVIEWER = {Ali Enayat},

      DOI = {10.1007/BF01270396},
      URL = {},


@article {kossakschmerl1991:minimal,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman and Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Minimal satisfaction classes with an application to rigid
             models of Peano arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
   VOLUME = {32},
     YEAR = {1991},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {392--398},
     ISSN = {0029-4527},
  MRCLASS = {03C62},
 MRNUMBER = {1124592 (92h:03051)},

MRREVIEWER = {Athanassios Tzouvaras},

      DOI = {10.1305/ndjfl/1093635835},
      URL = {},


@article {kossakschmerl1995:theautomorphism,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman and Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {The automorphism group of an arithmetically saturated model of
             Peano arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {J. London Math. Soc. (2)},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series},
   VOLUME = {52},
     YEAR = {1995},
   NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {235--244},
     ISSN = {0024-6107},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (20B27)},
 MRNUMBER = {1356139 (97a:03048)},

MRREVIEWER = {Ali Enayat},

      DOI = {10.1112/jlms/52.2.235},
      URL = {},

} @book {kossakschmerl:modelsofpa,

   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman and Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {The structure of models of Peano arithmetic},
   SERIES = {Oxford Logic Guides},
   VOLUME = {50},
     NOTE = {Oxford Science Publications},
PUBLISHER = {The Clarendon Press Oxford University Press},
  ADDRESS = {Oxford},
     YEAR = {2006},
    PAGES = {xiv+311},
     ISBN = {978-0-19-856827-8; 0-19-856827-4},
  MRCLASS = {03-02 (03C62 03F30 03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {2250469 (2008b:03001)},

MRREVIEWER = {Constantine Dimitracopoulos},

      DOI = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198568278.001.0001},
      URL = {},



   AUTHOR = {Kossak, Roman and Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {On cofinal extensions and elementary interstices},
  JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
   VOLUME = {53},
     YEAR = {2012},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {267--287},
     ISSN = {0029-4527},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C62)},


      URL = {},


@incollection {lascar1994:thesmall,

   AUTHOR = {Lascar, Daniel},
    TITLE = {The small index property and recursively saturated models of
             Peano arithmetic},
BOOKTITLE = {Automorphisms of first-order structures},
   SERIES = {Oxford Sci. Publ.},
    PAGES = {281--292},
PUBLISHER = {Oxford Univ. Press},
  ADDRESS = {New York},
     YEAR = {1994},
  MRCLASS = {03C57 (03C62)},
 MRNUMBER = {1325479},


@article {mills1979:substructure,

   AUTHOR = {Mills, George},
    TITLE = {Substructure lattices of models of arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Ann. Math. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematical Logic},
   VOLUME = {16},
     YEAR = {1979},
   NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {145--180},
     ISSN = {0003-4843},
  MRCLASS = {03H15},
 MRNUMBER = {537207 (81i:03105)},
      DOI = {10.1016/0003-4843(79)90007-X},
      URL = {},


@article {nurkhaidarov2006:automorphism,

   AUTHOR = {Nurkhaidarov, Ermek S.},
    TITLE = {Automorphism groups of arithmetically saturated models},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {71},
     YEAR = {2006},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {203--216},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C50 03F30)},
 MRNUMBER = {2210062 (2006k:03066)},

MRREVIEWER = {Roman Kossak},

      DOI = {10.2178/jsl/1140641169},
      URL = {},


@incollection {paris1972:onmodels,

   AUTHOR = {Paris, J. B.},
    TITLE = {On models of arithmetic},
BOOKTITLE = {Conference in Mathematical Logic---London '70 (Bedford
             Coll., London, 1970)},
    PAGES = {251--280. Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 255},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  ADDRESS = {Berlin},
     YEAR = {1972},
  MRCLASS = {02H05 (02H13)},
 MRNUMBER = {0392552 (52 \#13369)},

MRREVIEWER = {W. Marek}, }

@article {paris1977:modelsof,

   AUTHOR = {Paris, J. B.},
    TITLE = {Models of arithmetic and the 1-3-1 lattice},
  JOURNAL = {Fund. Math.},
 FJOURNAL = {Polska Akademia Nauk. Fundamenta Mathematicae},
   VOLUME = {95},
     YEAR = {1977},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {195--199},
     ISSN = {0016-2736},
  MRCLASS = {02H05 (02H20)},
 MRNUMBER = {0446953 (56 \#5270)},

MRREVIEWER = {P. Hajek}, }


  author={Schlipf, John S.},
  title={A guide to the identification of admissible sets above structures},
  journal={Ann. Math. Logic},
  MRNUMBER={0485330 (58 \#5177)},


@article {schmerl1973:peano,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Peano models with many generic classes},
  JOURNAL = {Pacific J. Math.},
 FJOURNAL = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics},
   VOLUME = {46},
     YEAR = {1973},
    PAGES = {523--536},
     ISSN = {0030-8730},
  MRCLASS = {02H20},
 MRNUMBER = {0354351 (50 \#6831)},

MRREVIEWER = {M. Boffa}, }

@article {schmerl1978:extending,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Extending models of arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Ann. Math. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematical Logic},
   VOLUME = {14},
     YEAR = {1978},
    PAGES = {89--109},
     ISSN = {0003-4843},
  MRCLASS = {03C62},
 MRNUMBER = {506527 (80f:03036)},

MRREVIEWER = {Andreas Blass},

      DOI = {10.1016/0003-4843(78)90013-X},
      URL = {},


@incollection {schmerl1981:recursively,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Recursively saturated, rather classless models of Peano
BOOKTITLE = {Logic Year 1979--80 (Proc. Seminars and Conf. Math.
             Logic, Univ. Connecticut, Storrs, Conn., 1979/80)},
   SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Math.},
   VOLUME = {859},
    PAGES = {268--282},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
  ADDRESS = {Berlin},
     YEAR = {1981},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C50 03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {619874 (83b:03039)},

MRREVIEWER = {Matt Kaufmann}, }

@article {schmerl1985:recursively,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Recursively saturated models generated by indiscernibles},
  JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
   VOLUME = {26},
     YEAR = {1985},
   NUMBER = {2},
    PAGES = {99--105},
     ISSN = {0029-4527},
  MRCLASS = {03C57},
 MRNUMBER = {783590 (87g:03038)},

MRREVIEWER = {Alain Lewis},

      DOI = {10.1305/ndjfl/1093870818},
      URL = {},


@article {schmerl1989,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Large resplendent models generated by indiscernibles},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {54},
     YEAR = {1989},
   NUMBER = {4},
    PAGES = {1382--1388},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C57},
 MRNUMBER = {1026604 (91b:03063)},

MRREVIEWER = {David E. Marker},

      DOI = {10.2307/2274820},
      URL = {},


@article {schmerl2002:automorphism,

 AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Automorphism groups of models of Peano arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {67},
     YEAR = {2002},
   NUMBER = {4},
    PAGES = {1249--1264},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (06A05 20A15)},
 MRNUMBER = {1955236 (2005b:03090)},

MRREVIEWER = {Roman Kossak},

      DOI = {10.2178/jsl/1190150283},
      URL = {},


@article {schmerl2004:diversity,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Diversity in substructures},
BOOKTITLE = {Nonstandard models of arithmetic and set theory},
   SERIES = {Contemp. Math.},
   VOLUME = {361},
    PAGES = {145--161},
PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc.},
  ADDRESS = {Providence, RI},
     YEAR = {2004},
  MRCLASS = {03H15 (03C62 05D10 06E05)},
 MRNUMBER = {2089281 (2005g:03117)},

MRREVIEWER = {M. Yasuhara},

      DOI = {10.1090/conm/361/06593},
      URL = {},


@article {schmerl2008:nondiversity,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Nondiversity in substructures},
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {73},
     YEAR = {2008},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {193--211},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {2387939 (2008k:03074)},

MRREVIEWER = {Roman Kossak},

      DOI = {10.2178/jsl/1208358749},
      URL = {},


@article {schmerl2012:elementary,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Elementary cuts in saturated models of Peano arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Form. Log.},
 FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
   VOLUME = {53},
     YEAR = {2012},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {1--13},
     ISSN = {0029-4527},
  MRCLASS = {03C62},
 MRNUMBER = {2925265},
      DOI = {10.1215/00294527-1626491},
      URL = {},


@article {schmerl2010:infinite,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {Infinite substructure lattices of models of Peano
  JOURNAL = {J. Symbolic Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Logic},
   VOLUME = {75},
     YEAR = {2010},
   NUMBER = {4},
    PAGES = {1366--1382},
     ISSN = {0022-4812},
    CODEN = {JSYLA6},
  MRCLASS = {03F30 (03C62 06B05)},
 MRNUMBER = {2767974 (2012a:03162)},

MRREVIEWER = {Constantine Dimitracopoulos},

      DOI = {10.2178/jsl/1286198152},
      URL = {},


@incollection {schmerl2012theAutomorphism,

   AUTHOR = {Schmerl, James H.},
    TITLE = {The automorphism group of a resplendent model},
  JOURNAL = {Arch. Math. Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Archive for Mathematical Logic},
   VOLUME = {51},
     YEAR = {2012},
   NUMBER = {5-6},
    PAGES = {647--649},
     ISSN = {0933-5846},
  MRCLASS = {03B25 (03C50 20F10)},
 MRNUMBER = {2945573},
      DOI = {10.1007/s00153-012-0288-5},
      URL = {},


@incollection {scott1962:algebras,

   AUTHOR = {Scott, Dana},
    TITLE = {Algebras of sets binumerable in complete extensions of
BOOKTITLE = {Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. V},
    PAGES = {117--121},
PUBLISHER = {American Mathematical Society},
  ADDRESS = {Providence, R.I.},
     YEAR = {1962},
  MRCLASS = {02.72},
 MRNUMBER = {0141595 (25 \#4993)},

MRREVIEWER = {H. Ribeiro}, }

@article {smith1989:extendible,

   AUTHOR = {Smith, Stuart T.},
    TITLE = {Extendible sets in Peano arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.},
 FJOURNAL = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
   VOLUME = {316},
     YEAR = {1989},
   NUMBER = {1},
    PAGES = {337--367},
     ISSN = {0002-9947},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {946223 (90b:03049)},

MRREVIEWER = {Athanassios Tzouvaras},

      DOI = {10.2307/2001288},
      URL = {},



   AUTHOR = {Smory{\'n}ski, C.},
    TITLE = {Elementary extensions of recursively saturated models of
  JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
   VOLUME = {22},
     YEAR = {1981},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {193--203},
     ISSN = {0029-4527},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C57 03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {614117 (82g:03064)},

MRREVIEWER = {Klaus Potthoff},

      URL = {},



   AUTHOR = {Smory{\'n}ski, C.},
    TITLE = {A note on initial segment constructions in recursively
             saturated models of arithmetic},
  JOURNAL = {Notre Dame J. Formal Logic},
 FJOURNAL = {Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic},
   VOLUME = {23},
     YEAR = {1982},
   NUMBER = {4},
    PAGES = {393--408},
     ISSN = {0029-4527},
  MRCLASS = {03C62 (03C57 03F30 03H15)},
 MRNUMBER = {669146 (83j:03058)},

MRREVIEWER = {Roman Murawski},

      URL = {},


@article {wilkie1977:onmodels,

   AUTHOR = {Wilkie, A. J.},
    TITLE = {On models of arithmetic having non-modular substructure
  JOURNAL = {Fund. Math.},
 FJOURNAL = {Polska Akademia Nauk. Fundamenta Mathematicae},
   VOLUME = {95},
     YEAR = {1977},
   NUMBER = {3},
    PAGES = {223--237},
     ISSN = {0016-2736},
  MRCLASS = {02H05 (02H20)},
 MRNUMBER = {0446952 (56 \#5269)},

MRREVIEWER = {P. Hajek} }